
Monday, July 27, 2020

How To Make Fake Snot.

How To Make Fake Snot 



Hot water
1/4 cup of Glucose syrup
a few drops of food colouring
2 bowls


1. Put hot water one of the bowls.
2. Put 2 tsp of gelatin one or the bowls.
3. Mix the water and gelatin
4. Get the bowl to  put 1/4 cups of glucose syrup.
5. Add 2 drops of green food colouring in the glucose bowl.
6. Then put a small amount of the gelatin bowl.
7. Stir til snot'y like then let it set
8. Now you have a snot'y situation you've got your own bowl of fake snot.

Here Is Me and My Friends Fake Snot.

1 comment:

  1. Great work with your fake snot Lachie. Your instructions are very clear. Did you enjoy creating snot?


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