
Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Giraffe Hotel

 I see a giraffe licking someone. I hear the people laughing at the graffe licking the girl. I feel the giraffes tounge its purple and bumpy. I smell giraffe farts they are gross. I taste tea that ihad in the teacups. after being with the giraffe I would feel good because playing with them and got to have a live view.


  1. Hi Lachie your giraffe hotel is cool. Did you make it up yourself. that remind's me when i go to Orana Park. maybe next time you could ad some more if you have some more time.

  2. Kia ora Lachlan, How are you doing today? I enjoyed the part when you told me what you could hear. You brought me back to when I went to arana park. How come you decided to make this post?



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