
Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Lockdown Writing Literacy


Tuesday, August, 30th, 2021.

"I was hiking up a mountain to get to the top to see how the view looks like I was climbing and climbing the top of the mountain looks so far away" I asked my friend Zsolt "Do you think we will make it up there before two hours?" and he just said "I don't know maybe well I hope so". 

                                                             1 hour later.  

I asked Zsolt "are you tired?" He said "kind of" I said "ok let's try to get up to the top" We were climbing and climbing and climbing but still it looked the same as before but then we saw something in the distance it looked like a pitch black fog type of thing but then we heard this coming from inside of the black fog "Help help im in here help" Me and Zsolt ran over to the black smoke then we asked "where are you we can't see you?" we went in to the black smoke thing but as soon as we took a step forward we heard giant boulders rolling down the top of the mountain we dodged the boulders and then went into the smoke when we went in to the smoke we saw lava, molten rock and lots and lots of coal. then we looked around us and saw that we were in a volcano it turned out that the mountain was actually an active volcano we went down to find the person to help them get out then we put our rope on to a solid rock we double knotted it around the rock then we actually went down we got down to the bottom then we found the person that was about to slip into the lava we went over to the person and as soon as we went to the person it was actually a kid we helped the kid up from the volcano the lava was rising then we had to escape quickly I got the kid out then Zsolt got out we told the kid to follow us and then he started running with us down the volcano we still had like an hour worth of walking and 25 minutes running down we were almost at the bottom but then Zsolt fell into a pit I told the kid to keep running but he refused to he wanted to help my friend cause we helped him so i got Zsolt out and then we started to run we finally got down and got to a safe distance away from the volcano it turned out that the volcano just stopped and everyone was safe now but we aren't done yet we asked the kid what his name was then he said his name was Billy so we went to the police and reported that the kid doesn't know where his parents were the police just said "don't worry we will find your parents in no time" then the kid said that he knew his mums phone number he told the police "021-487-109" the police called that number and then the parents went to the police then Billy had his parents back.  

 Don't try that phone number it was just made up by me.

                                                       TO BE CONTINUED...

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lachie it is me Jed. I like how you made the story really good an it makes it feel like you are there. Maybe next time you can tell what the mountain is called. It remind me of when I walked up a mountain but it did not have lava.


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