
Monday, October 18, 2021

The Midnight Sky Whispers

The Midnight Sky Whispers

One day I just woke up from my treasured sleep it was just like a normal day I get up have breakfast, get dressed and brush my teeth but then I hear whispers coming from my basement “hhaeeh a hahe” Jimmy says to himself “I wonder what it is?, I think it might be oh no i'm in danger” Jimmy starts to run at his door but suddenly it became midnight he tried to go out but he was too afraid of the dark, so jimmy went to his bed and locked his door with barricades he goes to sleep but then he opened his eyes and saw someone in the shadows and that's the last we heard of Jimmy.

Hey friends, did you like the story? I thought it was good.

    "Just joking that's not the whole story" Jimmy says oh okay you want to hear more of the story okay here you go okay do you now ho to jump from a high diving board fine i will tell you about it later.

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