
Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Chicken Army!


These are one of the biggest chickens of all time. Even fully grown men can ride. There were about 78 gigantic chickens. Everyone was running away and the boss was the human just riding on the biggest chicken. Earlier that day it all started when me and my friends were going down to go play on the playground then we saw this gigantic chicken come towards us and it looked right into our souls we ran away and thought everything was fine but the chicken touched an ordinary chicken and then that chicken turned into a gigantic one so after that all the chickens were gigantic we hid inside my secret underground base for emergencies so we locked the secret doors and hid underneath the covers of my bed. after that the next day the gigantic chickens boss had arived then the chickens all bowed at the boss then the chicken boss found the last chicken that has'nt been transformed and the chicken was my pet chicken named chick chick. we brought our pets in to the secret underground base.

All of the chickens were transformed but I brought my pet chicken in to the ultimate secret base in the whole wide world. I went to my friends house and he had a gigantic chicken that took over his full bedroom he could'nt sleep in his room so he had to sleep on his couch. But then an anouncement was made of that all animals would turn into chickens except human kind. I hid my friends cat in the ultimate base as well as all of my friends. But what was that sound RING! RING! RING! anouncement WARNING! WARNIG! everyone is turning into chickens RUN! HIDE! I hid in the ultimate base I invite 1billion people in cause my base could fit 1billion 7thousand people. we survived but the every country had chickens every where.


  1. Hi Lachie I really like the chickens and the human riding the chicken maybe you could add some more of humans riding the chickens next time. Did a human Shrek to the size of a chicken or the chicken grow bigger than the Human.

  2. Hi Lachie I like your chicken army because it's funny and entertaining. It reminds me of when I went to my auntie's cuss she has chickens.
    Maybe next time you could do a different animal army.
    Have a nice day.


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