
Thursday, May 27, 2021

Bread And Butter

  After we went to Ferrymead we were learning about the 1850s - 1860s. 

Today we made bread and butter to see how it tasted like in the 1850s - 1860s.

 First we made the butter, what we used was we got a big jam jar, double lumpy cream, a black button and a tiny box of table salt. 

First we put the cream in the big jar and we put a tiny bit of table salt, then we put the button in to help the lumps dissolve then we shook it around in a circle for about 3 - 5 minutes. Then when we opened up the lid  we saw that it was way thicker then it was when we started.

 Then we went to the kitchen and used a seive to drain the butter milk out.

 After that we made bread how we made the bread was that we got some butter then chopped it into tiny peices.

 Then we got some self raising flour. then we made a big hole in the self raising flour after that we kneaded it into dough and then we put the butter in the self raising then we squished the butter into the self raising flour with our fingers then after we squished the butter into the self raising flour it looked like bread crumbs we put the self raising flour aka bread dough into the oven. 


  1. Hello Lachie It's me Noah. I like how you added photo's I like it when we made the bread and butter too. Next time you could add more photo's.

  2. Hi lachie I really like your bread and butter Post.Really like how you add a photo.I really like how it's the bread chopped up into pieces. Maybe next time you can make the font bigger.


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