
Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Kupe and the Giant Wheke

  1. Look these words up in a dictionary and tell us what they mean:

  • calabash, any of various hard-shelled gourds, or the vine that bears such a gourd.

  • tempt, tempts, tempting, tempted

  • incantation

  • mere (Māori dictionary)

  1. This dictionary also tells you the synonyms of the word.

  2. (A synonym is a different word that has the same meaning). What are the synonyms for these words? Note: Sometimes words have more than one meaning! Look at the sentence it is used in and pick the meaning that makes more sense)

  • wily (But wily Te Wheke slipped out of his cage during the night and escaped.)

  • splintered (Wood splintered in his grip.)

  • shudder (With a tremendous shudder, Te Wheke fell limp.)

  • grim (His face was grim.)

  • mimicked ("Fine," mimicked Muturangi,)

  1. Which parts of the story seem to be true?

  1. Which parts of the story probably didn't happen in real life?

  1. Describe Kupe in a few words.

  1. Describe Muturangi in a few words.

  1. How does this story try to explain how Kupe discovered New Zealand?

  1. How could Kupe and Muturangi have solved their disagreement about Te Wheke?

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