
Friday, August 13, 2021

Germany World War II

 Once there was a really old man that he just rememberd about the World War I, He was a Veterinary he survived World War I but he keeps wondering if there will be a World War II he thought about it for a while. 10 years later he is sixty years old now he hears an alarm, he wonders what it is he, goes out of his tent and hears the alarm everyone has got there gear and there armour one of the troops said "Hurry we are being attacked" he thought to him self and said "Oh no I I I think its world war II" Then the commander said wait a minute you over there come here how old are you? the old man said "Im sixty years old" the commander said you have to stay here at camp okay? the old man said "But I want to help my country" The commander said "im sorry but you have to stay here" The old man said "ok fine". The commander said "troops lets do this ATTAAACK!!!!" the old man started to sit down and watch the troops charge at the other countrys.

To Be Continued...

1 comment:

  1. hi lacky i liked how you have described the look on his face when was staring at the good old day's.


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