
Friday, August 13, 2021

Matariki Public Holiday Explanation

We celebrate Matirki because its the maori new year. Not only that it is the first maori public holiday. And it is as well that its the the star cluster or the 7 sisters also known as pleiades in the sky at night. We celebrate Matariki by singing songs share food and sing about their ancestors. Matariki is important because it celebrates about the maori culture. Matariki should be a public holiday because its important to be respectful to the maori culture.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lachie, I really like that you have thought about why Matariki is important and have descibed some of the things you can do for Matariki. Perhaps next time, you could add a few more details in your writing. I'm interested in how much you know and can share. Great work.


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